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Hello! I am a first time game developer from Montana, USA, and have been working on this puzzle game for the past six weeks or so. The working title is GroupEm and it is a simple idea that involves dragging game pieces and making groups and trying to clear the entire scren as the difficulty ramps up and obstacles begin to appear.
I am coding this game in Java using LibGDX as an OpenGL wrapper. It is deployable on PC and Android. I am in the polishing phase right now, and am taking a coding break to work on some art assets. The background shown in the screenshot was hand drawn by my girlfriend and then scanned and the beginning coloring/tracing/shading steps have begun, using Inkscape. The game pieces were also done in Inkscape. I did the rightmost GUI panel in Blender. I also have written and tracked some music in Reason.
Some things that still need done:
-Changing the art of the pieces to reflect better the theme of the art style.
-Changing the GUI panel to not look so cheesy.
-Create more art assets for the splash screen, menu, and interstitial screens.
-Some animations
-Sound effects.
-Probably some other things I have forgotten.
I will add some more news and photos as they become available. Cheers!