Accepting a guard position at a factory far from your city, you must maintain order until 6 AM. Soon, you discover that you are not as alone as you thought, and your work shift turns into a fight for survival.
With your heart pounding, you sit in front of the security screens in the factory control room. The dim light in the room allows you to see the monitors flickering. You take a deep breath and start reviewing the cameras to understand the situation.
Check the cameras.
Keep the system up.
Prevent "something" from entering your office. (Check behind your laptop and inside the closet with left click).
In your second shift, you are assigned to perform maintenance on an endoskeleton. Due to economic constraints, you will only have a flashlight and a few tools at your disposal. You are warned that the robot may sometimes be unstable, so it is suggested that you hide if you feel "in danger."
Use the scanner to determine the type of repair needed.
Repair according to the instructions in your ROBO FIX HELPER.
Hide under your desk if you feel "in danger."
Good luck.