Comments (1)
Nice halloween game. Cool artstyle.
Gumbo (Jan Strach)
Three friends. A big pot of gumbo on the cooker. Disturbing trick-or-treaters coming and going. Lounge music on the record player. Fire crackling in the fireplace.
But then the decisions start. And each one of those changes how the night is going to end. And let me be upfront with you: most likely it's not going to end well. In the grotesque world of Gumbo, you and your friends are only one choice away from gruesome death by burning, splatting, getting your head chewed off...
Twelve possible endings, only three of which good (meaning everybody survives) - collect all of them!
Oh and remember to keep your eye on the pumpkin meter - keep those trick-or-treaters satisfied before you run out of time!
Special thanks to Rylie James Thomas of Bluberry Soft for betatesting and fishing out the bugs!