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Heart of Clay

A exploration platformer + story game with multiple endings in a simple fantasy setting, about a lonely woman who brings to life a clay golem, for what purpose you'll discover when you play!

Game Features

Light hearted and funny/cute story driven gameplay

Multiple endings with wildly different variety

Plenty of gameplay with elements of exploration, collection, and jumping puzzles

(Very) secret secrets to find

100% free to play

Current Release Date

I'm hoping to release this game before the end of the year! I'll be making semi-regular updates for all those interested, so please FOLLOW the game! And if you want to see even more development posts or be part of testing and giving feedback, I would love to have you in the Discord server

Discord Server

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Getting close to completing the main story! There are alternate endings and secrets still left to do but the end is getting ever closer.

Full level layout competed! Nearly every space of the game is walkable from start to finish. Now begins the work of tying the story and gameplay together. Wish me luck!

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Give feedback during the development of the game - Development posts made weekly!