Comments (9)
Hi Edwin. I'm involved in an Alice themed event & am keen to include "Hello Alice" in it. Would you be happy with that? Maybe we could have message about it?
The way the sentences scrolled to the right made it difficult to read, although apart from that i loved the vibe this little game has. Well done!
Really cool experiance! I'm impressed with what you did in only a week.
I really liked the way you presented the original text in a new way and allowed the player to build up a picture of Alice from the fragments of text. The graphic style you used for the text was great and the audio worked really well with it. Thanks for getting involved in the jam. :-)
Hello Alice
Created by Edwin DeNicholas (@edenicholas)
for Alice Jam 150 - http://jams.gamejolt.io/alicejam150
Choose your own Alice by moving to collect words.
Move = WASD/Arrow Keys, Mouse, Left Stick
Exit Game:
Press ESCAPE to exit.
Programming, Art, and Music by Edwin DeNicholas
LED and Glitch effects from Colorful:
By Thomas Hourdel https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/3842Words from ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND
By Lewis Carroll https://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11-h/11-h.htm
Version History:
V1.01 - Adjustment to brightness levels. Mac and Linux builds!
V1.0 - Initial Release
Copyright (c) 2015, the Edwin DeNicholas (aka KhaoTom)
All rights reserved.