
Communications with asteroid 541 has ceased and you are sent to find out why. In a crazy world inhabited by clever, mischievous, and silly beings known as the Griff; You are the best weapon in the universe; a Combat Enhanced. Help Saturn Research Fight the evil corpocracy known as the Nexus Conglomerate and discover the secrets of asteroid 541 and it's nearby black hole.
Hist and the Combat Enhanced is a halo inspired room sweeping, arcade style, tactical shooter without the tactical shooter bulls**t. Fight your enemies with limited ammunition on a numerous arsenal of automatic weapons varying in range. Switch between weapons based on the range the enemy is at as well as the ammo available on the weapon. Enemies fight dirty, and attempt to outnumber you, so make sure you separate them from each other. divide and conquer.
Unlike the power fantasies of other games where you play as an cybernetically enhanced soldier; In Hist and the Combat enhanced, you are a vulnerable cyborg soldier with cybernetic enhancements that make movement and aim sloppy and clumsy. Enemies are faster and more nimble but without the same enhancements, they can never get as powerful as you can get with time and skill. Can you master the art of being a Combat Enhanced?