Comments (4)
Good Afternoon FadeInFadeOut,
I liked the game, it really touched deep into my past. I cant believe the emotions it put me through, just talking to a few toys, I never thought it could happen. Experimental, yes, Awesome, Definitely, Bad? In no way, what so ever.
I think the monkey got to me the most haha,
I made a commentary for the game and placed it on youtube for the world to see, if your interested. I spent a lot more time editing on this video than I have for the others I have put up, let me know if you like it. That is, if you decide to watch :).
Wow, great game. Really good job. Kinda emotional, especially if you read a bit deeper into the toys' dialogue. Good work!
Incredibly thoughtful. It definitely reminded of myself when I was younger, oh, the talks I had with my toys were pretty much like the ones you put in here. The dialogues are so polished! Congrats, great little game!
How was your day?
This is an experimental game of interactive fiction and emotional projection. You play the role of a child who converses with their toys. The toy's side of the conversation is a projection of the child's self-image. We want you to immerse yourself into the role and interpret the consequences in your own unique way. The game's ending is technically the same no matter the choices you make. However if we have succeeded in our goal, your interpretation of the final scene will be drastically different depending on your path through the game. This is how we chose to interpret the Global Game Jam's theme of "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."