Comments (8)
I like it. 7/10 Monogamous relationships only because it gets a little wonky after a while. The positive choices sound like the negative ones while still having the positive choice animation. They also detract points.
Pretty good game. I like the visuals. Good job
Lots of fun! Did a Let's Play on it and had a blast!
amazing game!
I like the Black and White style of it
Serial Monogamist
Use Spacebar to play!
Find the Girl of your dreams, and decide your fate!
A game about hooking up, and Breaking up.
8 different women, 22 levels, and 12 unique endings!
This game was made as a part of a 72 Game Jam, with the theme Fix it/Break it.
Check out this Let's Play by Bardactor:
Made at #indiejamdk #summerjam2014 #indietaw
music from