
Hail The UFO
Hail The UFO is my entry for the Opera GX Game Jam 2021 that had as theme: "UFO".
The story
You (plus a friend if you want) can control two veteran alien ships bound together by a DEAAAADLY, laser cable that destroys anything in it's path. You have the task of defending the alien mother ship codenamed UFO - (Unbelievably Fabulous Object) - which shall be hailed by all in the entire universe as they see it's might. The mothership is the player's computer, therefore a mighty Unbelievably Fabulous Object that unfortunately, had it's connection cut by the enemy, you as veteran pilots are to defend the UFO until the HQ manages to restore the connection and we can warp away from this battle unharmed.
The Gameplay and objectives
Gameplay is pretty simple, WASD will move the left veteran alien ship, and the arrow keys (up, left, down and right) will move the right veteran alien ship.
Also, keep an eye on both ship's health below them, you can grab repair coins for restore the ship's integrity!
This can be tricky to control by yourself, so by all means, grab a partner for this battle!!
Your objective is very simple, destroy as many enemy ships as you can by zapping them with the DEAAAADLY, laser cable until the connection to the homeland is restored!!
Best of luck soldier!
About my ideas
I took great inspiration from Google's Dino Run as this is perfect example of good game design. Simple and straight forward endless runner, less time looking at menus, more time playing!!
Since we are talking about a gamer browser that will be accessed by people across the entire world, this minimalist and icon based approach to the tutorial helps with accessibility as there is little to no text to be translated other than the game's title, score counters and game over screen (which are pretty much universal words).
This does mean I`ve sacrificed the chance to tell a bit about the story in-game, but again, play more, read less!!
About me
My name is Allan Urique, and I'm an aspiring game dev from São Paulo, Brazil, pleased to have you play my game!
I'm still learning A LOT about game development and struggle mostly with coding and logic, but google and YouTube helps me quite a bit haha also, I'd like to mention @GameMakerCasts as someone that without having to, helped me to integrate the high score system for this jam, (which was giving me head aches haha!) THANK YOU ONCE MORE!!!
I've never used Game Maker Studio 2 before, had used mostly Unity, Unreal, Cry Engine and Godot as I've never tackled 2D games in the past as my passion for game dev came recently with my also recently discovered passion for 3D modelling xD, so Thank You Opera, GMS2 and Game Jolt for coming up with this jam as it helped me learn a new engine!
Well I'll stop now lol thank you for checking out my game!
Best wishes,
#multiplayer #scifi #survival #arcade #action #coop #endlessrunner