
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I love this concept and the audio! the game design and story could be expanded on for a full game which I'd be the first to buy!

I really like the concept, it's very original.

It would be cool if the structures I built contributed to something more than score, because once they're off screen they seem powerless and gone.

Perhaps once the satellites had gone off screen on the left, they came back again but much smaller and distant in the background, moving much slower, that would show you all the "constellations" that you'd built.

Great work, good luck


Hyperspace Technician

Version: 0.2.0over 3 years ago


You are a space technician who has to get the interdimensional internet up and running again.

To do this, you have to connect the satellites in the asteroid belt. But watch out for the asteroids! If they hit you, your spaceship will be damaged and you will have to start the connection all over again.

Luckily, the laser cannon is charged, so you'd better use it. Supposedly there are also power-ups in the asteroid belt that can help you.

As long as you survive you get Space Tokens (ST) and for every destroyed asteroid you get bonus tokens. Whenever you connect satellites, your bonus multiplier increases, which means that the more satellites you connect, the higher your bonus becomes.

Make sure you don't miss any satellites, otherwise your bonus will be reset and the satellites connected until then will shutdown.


Hi! This is the second game I've worked on and the first time I've developed a game all by myself. I hope you like it!

I made it for the Opera GX Game Jam with the theme "UFO". It is an Endless Runner in outer space and was originally supposed to include a co-op or versus mode, but I didn't have time to add that. All in all, I worked on it for about 4-5 days.

I am quite proud of the result :)

#arcade #scifi #shooter #gamemaker #opera #operagx #ufo #space #hyperspace #technician #pixel #action #offline #internet #gamejam #gamedev


  • use WASD to move

  • shoot the asteroids with <SPACE>

  • connect the satellites with <E>

Note: You may have to lose and go to the Game Over Screen once for the soundtrack to play correctly.

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