
Comments (289)

What do you think?

Some of the coolest pixel art and consistent atmosphere in a game that came outta' nowhere. While in the format of a point-and-click adventure, this one-man love letter to pixel pushing and the Cold War manages to evoke anxiety, boredom, fear, and curiosity. Simultaneously a 'joke' of a game and a serious commentary on the role of the everyday soldier in charge of America's nuclear arsenal during a period in the world's history where two world superpowers were about to annihilate each other, and the burden of watchfulness was placed on people in bunkers buried deep below the earth.

Play it just for the atmosphere and the old-school nostalgia, and stick it out to the end. :)

I feel like I was just punked...

The attention to detail here is astounding. I now know exactly what it was like to be in charge of protecting our nation. The man at the button. One person being able to create all of this with such a high production value is also awesome. Looking forward to future installments. FOR AMERICA!

Absurd, but amazing. Like real life! Meticulous attention to detail. Impeccable pixel art, lovingly crafted. Amazing, amazing sound design, as well as music choices.

In a strange time, it's a a perfect and bizarre look at a strange time, from a strange time: In 2015, you're playing a game from 1990, set in 1983.

Arguably the greatest, most realistic simulation game I've ever played.

Keep an eye out for this developer.

Wow! This game is amazing!


ICBM Game Installer for Windows

Version: 1.4.0over 9 years ago
This is the ICBM game installer for Windows PCs.

Original Art Source Files

Version: 1.3.0almost 10 years ago
These are all of the original art files created for ICBM.

Game Engine Project Files

Version: 1.4.0over 9 years ago
This is the complete Adventure Game Studio project folder for ICBM.

In the grand tradition of MicroProse and Jane’s Combat Simulations, ICBM puts you in the hotseat: you are USAF First Lieutenant Derek Evans, Ellsworth Air Force Base’s newest Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander.

ICBM was inspired by the extraordinary pixel art of Denis Loubet and the incredible series of Trinity articles at The Digital Antiquarian.

ICBM and its development assets have been released as Free Cultural Works under a Creative Commons BY-SA license: free of charge, free of In-App Purchases, free from ads, free for use in profitable streaming videos and free to remix and tear apart, whether as a learning tool or a starting point for any derivative work released under the same conditions.

#retro #military

Mild Realistic Violence

MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX was nominated for a Joltie!

We Released Our New Game Demo!

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