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Icy Flame Test Release

Version: 4.7.2over 6 years ago
This package is still unfinished and the content is limited. It might have bugs and errors in it. IMPORTANT: Saves made on this version do NOT transition to newer versions!

Icy flame is a Work in progress 2D adventure game. Its in development but it is far from done.

The current video 'trailer' for the game

Using the in game map i can show you what areas I have already completed. The area marked in red is done, plus two underground areas.


WIthin the game there are 12 skills, excluding your combat level. Some are still open for change, and others are set.
The skills are:
Thieving, mining, crafting, magic, farming, divinity, brewing, scrollcrafting, agility*, charisma, mortality and adventuring

*Agility is most likely to change, as I have no good plans for it.

There is space for 4 types of quests, with 36 quests each. I doubt i will have 36 quests in all the categories, but it's a possibility. The four different types of quests are: main quests, side quests, gathering quests and slayer quests.

There is still a lot of work to do, but the more textures, presets and simple scripts I complete, the faster the game should progress.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

New update coming soon, including a first release for testing!


Devlog 3 | Alador and Drumchapel

Devlog 2 | Crafting and brewing
