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LOL Bricked!
The player plays as a human called Lynx that is on a quest to find the CREATORS. The CREATORS are a group of entity’s that create worlds. There is CODE, WORLD, CHARACTER, STORY and CREATOR. After a terrible nightmare, Lynx is warned by an unknown voice that his world is slowly breaking apart and that he must find all 5 of the creators and defeat GLITCH, the evil destroyer of worlds. The player must fight through different levels of the binary dimension. After creating the world, the creators were in charge of the humans and were telling them the way to live and believed that they could steer them down a path of good and show them how to stop GLITCH from destroying their world. But GLITCH always finds a way to corrupt something or someone…. He quickly spread the word that the creator were tricking them into becoming their slaves and would them force them to help them conquer the other worlds. After a long fight CODE ran out of ways to stop the attack, CREATOR ran out of binary to create things, CHARACTER lacked the binary to make more creations to fight, STORY ran out of binary to try and find the right way to end them fight and WORLD lacked the binary to create a protection to shield themselves. After the CREATORS were defeated, they were locked away into the BINARY dimension to die. The CREATORS argued over whose fault it was and split the binary dimension into their territory. The STORY level then CHARACTER level the CODE level the WORLD level and the CREATOR level. Fight through the level and collect the CREATORS to join your party and help to fight your way through the game.
Lynx`s power is called PLAYER which allows him to use a variety of options to fight the various creations and the CREATORS themselves. There is FIGHT, SPELL, CODE, OBJECT and OBSERVE.
The three bars on the screen are HEALTH, POWER and BINARY or HP, POW and BI. HP is your health POW is your ability to use a spell/magic you can unlock spells and magic along the way but you can only use three at a time, and Binary/BI is binary which can only be used by a CREATOR and someone with the PLAYER ability. Binary is used for Code which is basically hacks that you can use on the enemy, you can also unlock other codes along the way but can only use three at a time. The BROKEN CONSEPT is the meaning of your world, if it is completed the world has no meaning and will begin to break or if its broke like your world, basically the CONSEPT is the way of life or the rule that must be complete and the concept for a whole world need the five rules, CODE, CHARACTER, WORLD, A STORY and its CREATOR. After GLITCH trapped the CREATORS the world had no concept and his plan was working!