Game Community
Five New-Fangled Nights Community
139 Members

Comments (139)

What do you think?

this was a pretty fun demo i dint expect bonnie to start spining around on cam 3 lol

The game, graphically speaking, is amazing. It really nails down that 1930s artstyle and I absolutely adore it!

The only few issues I found is that the game doesn't really load any animations properly. The game, at least to me, was lagging so badly when a new animation played and it really killed off the atmosphere. I don't know what causes this to happen (my computer can run Apex Legends with 60 fps so it's definitely not it), but I guess it's just a lack of optimization which is totally fine.

The mechanics are cool but simple, sadly I haven't seen what Chica does since she didn't attack me once on Night 2. Nonetheless, I still really enjoyed this demo and can't wait to see what the full game will be!

Keep up the good work Caleb :D

Heya so I just finished the 2 night demo of Five New-Fangled Nights and I wanted to give some feedback based off my experience. (I put maybe a potential bug at the bottom off the comment)

To start off, the visuals as expected are incredible with such a unique style that no fnaf fangame has ever had it truly makes this fangame experience stand out among the rest. Love the start off the night it highlights the characters who gets introduced in the night with the cartoon card. Caleb_Hill and whoever else may have potentially helped out with the art did an incredible job and should be proud of themselves, keep up the amazing work!

Now onto the gameplay, Night 1 was rather interesting to say the least, the faz-puter is a really cool way to go through all the cameras in the building and it's nice as the player needs to manually learn how these characters actually work with their pathing. The phone call was good as well, no issues there.

Now I did discover some (imo) issues, the main issue I had during my night 1 playthrough was Bonnie never attacked me a single time, which I am aware is very lucky rng probably but I would want if possible in future for Bonnie to have a 100% chance for Bonnie to attack the player at about 4-5am. Because if Bonnie doesn't attack the player, then the player won't have experience dealing with Bonnie and will go into Night 2 with 3 brand new characters for the player to deal with. This same idea should also be done for Chica and the Cupcake. Same idea and same concept as during my first time playing night 2, the cupcake never attacked me either.

The mechanics are good I got no complains there, as I know the future nights will require the faz-puter for Foxy and probably Freddy as well. I do like how the cupcake is an actual enemy as well and Chica mechanic has potential to synergize well with Bonnie and any other left door characters in the future as well

Now onw bug I did discover was the fact the Whack Bonnies minigame is impossible to beat from the 3 times I have played it, as seen in the screenshot the timer starts going down earlier then when the actual Bonnie's start showing up (screenshot provided down below). During night 1 I got 30/35 and that was me without missing *any* of the Bonnies' as well. Maybe the minigame has rng with their spawnrate am not sure, but I would really like if the minigame was difficult but always 100% possible if the player doesn't miss any of them. Now am unsure if the intentions are to have some luck, so you don't get the 2 hour bonus always who knows.


Overall I have really enjoyed the demo and am looking forward to the full game. The team should be VERY proud with what they have achieved as everyone has done great work. If you ever need testing or want more feedback I would be happy to help out!

I just got done trying the demo and I think this is really well made. Both the sounds and visuals fit the style of the game and closing the door on Bonnie's hand is really goofy. I feel like there would be a lot of projects like this that do the sounds incorrectly and it's crazy that the door sound made me go like "wow!". I can't wait for the full game to come out and I'll be willing to play it once it does. The only issue I had with the game is that it was a little laggy. I'm sure that's because of the effects put over the game to make it look good and hopefully there's some way to make it run a bit better.

I would say this is a really well made FNAF fangame. I rate it a 10/10 and I think Dawko or Fusion should play this.

Why hasn't anyone else made a Rubberhose-Styled B&W FNAF game before?!

I Feel like we should've gotten one by now; Oh Well; Better late than never. . .


Five New-Fangled Nights Demo (Mac)

Version: 1.0.04 months ago
The Mac port of the demo, uh...mac!

Five New Fangled Nights Demo (Windows)

Version: 1.0.04 months ago
The Windows port of the demo!

Freddy-Bear 3D Model

Version: 0.1.0about 2 months ago
Freddy-Bear Model

You've found yourself a brand new job; workin' as night watchman for a kiddy restaurant downtown. Should be a piece of cake! The pay's...average, but hey, at least the work's easy! Right?


@Caleb_Hill : Art and Animation

@CircuitBoardProductions : Programmer

@CosmicStarVA As the voice of Freddy-Bear and Foxy

@Smexy_Chip As the voice of Chica

@gadgetchrome As the voice of Phone Fella

And @realscawthon for that new-fangled computer game franchise


#fangame #horror #fnaf #retro #survival #pointnclick #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Don't mind me...

Voice Actors Needed!

Hey, fellas! Thanks for checkin' out the game page! More updates and news will come out as production goes on, so be sure to follow the game, and have a great day!