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Doing a 2 part let's play of ILIAGC.

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ILIAGC: I Live In A Graphing Calculator

Version: 1.0.0almost 2 years ago

Hello player! I see you've stumbled across this game, what are the chances? Well, I'm glad you're here! I initially made a basic version of this game for a class project (we had to make an educational resource). But, I kept on working on it and here we are.

The game is essentially a 2D platformer where you graph equations for terrain. There are coins to collect, things to buy, and high scores to chase. There's controller support and "seamless"-ish local multiplayer of up to 4 players I believe.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or experience any bugs or crashes, leave them below! I'll try to address them in the next update. Also, if you would like to download the game (for windows computers), that is also below.

* One thing I've noticed is that if you pause with the escape key while fullscreen, it exits fullscreen first and then you have to press it again to pause. I'm thinking I'll make backspace the pause button later to avoid this. Sorry for the inconvenience! #platformer

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