
Comments (3)

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For some reason, I can't play this game...? Just stuck at the first screen.


Impossible path

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Dry out

Impossible path is rage platformer that,as you can already tell,is almost impossible to win.

Your goal here is to walk through 20 levels,collect all the keys and defeat the boss.

Tips--1. Some levels can be copleted multiple ways

			     2.Use shortcuts

     3.Remember,all levels can be completed so dont give up.

Here is translation for some text in the game:

Hrát = Play

Poslední zúčtování = Last resistance

konec = exit

nová hra = new game

výběr levelu = level select

pokračovat = continue

zpět = back

smrti = deaths

vstup do lehkeho světa = entering the easy world

vstup do těžkého světa = entering the hard world

I hope this helped you :)


Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
