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Help us checking on our kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/juanguppy/infection-x?ref=project_build
Infection X
EN: This game is being developed by Kurotaka Soft, a team formed by two guys (Juanguppy and Zorio). Juanguppy is the programmer and the main ideator of this game, and Zorio is in charge of the soundtrack and character design.
We have been developing this idea for 2 years, which was born in March 2020. At the moment we have a demo version of the game available, which we will release very soon (maybe it is already released). If it is well received, we plan to put many more updates that we will mention through the official media.
The videogame consists of a virus which must infect cells, fight against antibodies, destroy white blood cells.... It is quite fun because you have to take into account the behavior of each enemy, the mechanics of each puzzle, etc... At the moment, there are 3 types of puzzles: pulmonary, in which the virus must explore, fight against antibodies, destroy white blood cells, overcome obstacles, etc; cellular, in which the virus, playing with inertia and jumping, must reach the nucleus to be able to replicate after performing a kind of 'parkour'; and finally the nuclear puzzle, which is a kind of maze in which you must reach the chromatin without hitting the walls. There are different types of enemies and there is a boss at level 7.
We plan to make new updates to significantly improve the game, since it is still in an alpha or demo version. If we reach the minimum of 120€, we will add new levels, new game modes (wave survival, for example), new enemies with innovative mechanics, more bosses, more skins for the main player, more different attacks (stunneo, bombs, e higher fire-rate, etc). In addition, we will publish the game on Steam. If we collect more than the minimum, the money will be used mainly to improve the existing game, creating even more game modes, improving the mechanics, making advertising campaigns and even adding a multiplayer mode.
We also are going to gift the game to the persons who donate at least 1€ to us, even if we do not reach our. target
Infection X is currently available in Spanish and English, but we plan to include more languages if the game is well received in the community.
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/juanguppy/infection-x?ref=project_build
#puzzle #multiplayer #survival #adventure #rpg #arcade #retro #strategy #other #covid #virus #infection #biology #cells