
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Hey guys, I tried putting a Lets Play of this game on youtube, but it threw a copyright claim at me. Here's a screenshot:

Could you tell me whether this claim is accurate or not?

This game was fun also the skull kinda scared me.

I really liked this for many reasons.
Atmosphere: the music goes really well with the game and the style (altough I guess that may change) and gives a nice relaxed vibe that really makes trying to solve a puzzle more fun.
Ideas: a lot of games use sprinting, very few make you use it to solve puzzles. Nice.
Secrets: they're few, misterious and kinda nicely hidden. Mistery is the key word, it really drives you to complete the game. Just don't make the solution disappointing.
For being a demo, it's actually well made. I can see some technical flaws but it's understandable. If I may suggest, maybe make the different kinds of platforms less obvious but still somehow identifiable. Does that make sense? Idk, just an idea. And maybe make the transition in the corridor smoother so it's harder to notice?
Anyway, really cool job, I hope to see more

Hey there, I finished your game and it is certainly different to what I usually see in a puzzle game. The mouse can be invisible for my recording so its not an issue for me. If you make more levels please let me know, you clearly did a lot of work on this. 5/5.

Youtube: Fellowplayer

pls add Screen 1280x1024


Infinite Corridor

Version: 0.5.0about 9 years ago

Infinite Corridor is a first-person puzzle game that explores the relationship between mental illness and religious identity through a coming-of-age story. The aesthetics are heavily influenced by 20th-century modern artists like Salvador Dali and Piet Mondrian.

There is a known bug where the mouse cursor is visible during gameplay. This should be resolved relatively soon.

Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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