Comments (2)
You asked for some feedback and here is mine:
What was good
The game idea is simple and good. And for me this is overall a very kid friendly game.
The level designs is overall simple and good.
Overall the game is really cute and I had fun playing it.
What could have been better
The graphics and music is overall fine. But I would have liked some more music, and i would have liked a bit more interesting backgrounds and some more visual differences between the levels.
The controls is overall okay, but I would have preferred some changes:
I am NOT a fan of the automatic walking mechanic. This mechanic do in many cases, make the game much more difficult then it has to be. The issue is really bad in level 10 where you consistently die because from the start of the level runs directly into the rotating blades. And in general, it makes it hard to control, where you land when you are in the air.
The jumping mechanic is overall fine, but I would have preferred that I could have jump even when I was standing a bit from the platforms edge. For me the issue is, that I often not has been able to jump, because I just has past a platforms edge.
When I jump into a wall I often got stuck. The issue is not big, but I would have preferred I have just felled down.
You cannot jump when standing on a gate.
The pushing of boxes felt super slow.
The slops is okay, but it has some small issues:
You cannot jump when you are walking on a slop.
You cannot changes the Insects while standing on a platform.
I have a small issue with level 18. It nearly impossible to get back and get the flower behind the gate.
I would have liked some more levels.
I would have liked that the game had some kind of story.
I hope this feedback was helpful
Insects Life Quest
What is it about?
It is a puzzle game in development, about Insects.
Keyboard.Right OR Keyboard.D= Right
Keyboard.Left OR Keyboard.A = Left
Keyboard.Up OR Keyboard.W = Jump
Keyboard.Enter OR Keyboard.Space = Change Character
(Beta) - Please leave a feedback
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