Comments (14)
This is pretty fun, I read 40 levels so I presumed that they'd be the same but was pleasantly surprised when they weren't. The enemies for where I got up to weren't to hard but the walls are way to OP. No matter what they kill me :(
I Did A video on it here :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20FCbyrtIV8
good job, but one thing; why do the walls oneshot me?
PS: I'm following your profile on itch.io (:
Gameplay clean and objective, just I can't understand how the standalone got 50mb+.. o.O
it's not that bad, but needs some more work.
i expected something destroyable crazy bullet hell as you mentioned Bangai-O.
INV8R (pronounced "invader") is an arcade-style robot shooting game with 60 procedurally generated levels. You control a cyborg secret agent infiltrating a series of increasingly well defended alien robotroid bases. You must fight to survive, navigate through darkness, and replenish your oxygen supply while facing killer robots, evil agents, and insidious alien overlords in a fast-paced paranoid bullet-hell game inspired by Berzerk, Dark Cavern, and Space Panic.
NEW! May 28, 2016: version 2.5! With the following changes:
Security stations fight back by firing sprays of bullets.
Touching the walls drains your oxygen instead of causing instadeath.
Fixed bug where barriers could still kill invincible player at level start.
Features both local co-op and client/server network co-op. (The network play code is still in beta and you may experience glitches. Please report issues to me at [email protected])
Expanded optional megaquest with 100 levels
More crazy robots with better AI
Hold the fire button (or SHIFT key) to lock the firing direction while moving independently. Use this when firing at a group of enemies, or trying to sweep a line of bullets across an enemy's path. Especially effective with Rapid Fire powerup.
Stay out of the screen's corners --- you'll get cornered.
Save oxygen tanks that appear early, so as to maximize the benefit of refill.
Don't touch the walls.
Linux users will need SDL 1.2 and SDL-MIXER, SDL-IMAGE, SDL-GFX, SDL-TTF. If it still complains about SDL-GFX, try choosing the CONTINUE option and the game should run.
Windows users should deactivate DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for this program if necessary.