
Comments (4)

What do you think?

good game, maybe a little too short, i loved that there were challenges to do while you played, gave each level replay value.

This is a great challenge, awesome music too! makes things a bit more tense hah. Ragequitted at the second level though

I love the music, it creates a great mood.
May be moves are a bit slow.

Good luck with 1GAM, I'm looking forward you may entry.


Invasion - Escape

Version: 1.0.0almost 12 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Towards Isolation by onlymeith

It is the middle of the night.

You are awoken by a disturbance.

Your house is being robbed.

The intruders may or may not be armed.


This is my February entry for one game a month!

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