Comments (2)
Cool game, its a nice take on Pong, though the second player does tend to glitch out. I included it in part 1 of my MiniLD #58 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/6WCd4EnydEU
It's Yours: Space Bumpers
Hi there!
I present to you, SPACE BUMPERS! My friend, It's Yours!
This is a game a made for the Mini Ludumdare #58 with the theme, "Pong".
I know, I took the theme literally, but...I put a twist in it that makes it more difficult and more immersive!
Random obstacles!
Random AI (from really stupid to very difficult)
Cute Design
Made by one guy! (just want to put this here, haha)
Hope you enjoy!
oh and, better check the behind the scenes, check out MakulitStudios on Youtube! :D
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