Comments (5)
good game bro
Hi, idk if you are already fixing it or smth but you can win most of the levels by just shooting super close to the walls.
Is this a reference to the item from Enter the gungeon called "lichy trigger finger"?
Itchy Trigger Finger
A top-down shooter where you can't control when you shoot - your trigger pulls are on a timer. The catch is, your bullets repeatedly bounce off all walls, quickly turning the room into a prime example of bullet hell.
Where getting a weapon like a minigun is a life saver in other games, it's a death sentence here.
W, A, S, D - Move
Mouse - Aim
Tab - Restart level
Left, Right arrow keys - Switch between levels
Escape - Quit
Made as part of GMTK 2020, where the theme was "Out of control", applying that here by not being able to control when you shoot.
#shooter #topdown #difficult #action #bullethell #unique #gamejam #2d #hard #arcade