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Jade's Calistogan Mud Spa: For Windows PowerPoint (PPT) 2019+

Version: 20191217.1630.833about 5 years ago
Windows PowerPoint 2019 slash 365 is required to play this game! Streaming will not work if you have or have had Chrome, or at least not until you Online Repair Microsoft Office.

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

We here at "JadeJohnson Games™", a subsidiary of "JadeJohnson Industries™", have collaborated with one of our second party subsidiaries, "Rudny Health And Wellness™", to bring you a fangame that has never felt so good!

In "Jade's Calistogan Mud Spa", inspired by the Miami Mud Spa minigame from @GameIMake 's amazing Android title, "Indian Wedding Honeymoon Part3", you play as a mud spa worker, and cleanse the customers who come for a detoxifying mud spa. Customer selection is randomized by the game's top of the line, completely macroless artificial intelligence, and with streamable updates built in, you never know who'll be added as this title expands!


"Use The Soap!"

To clean the body of each client.

"Apply The Shampoo!"

To clean their hair.

"Apply The Face Slash Eye Mask!"

To exfoliate their facial features and improve their complexion.

"Rince It Properly!"

With the shower to ensure nothing sticks which shouldn't.

"Wipe It Dry!"

With the towel to prevent discomfort.

"Clear The Mud And Replace It With Water!"

To cleanse their lower body.

"Pick A Colour For The Water!"

You never know what your customer'll choose; they might even want it clear!

"A New Customer Has Appeared!"

The soothing gameplay only stops when you do! Return for even more relaxation!

#fangame #pointnclick #retro #other #Beauty #Relaxation #Soothing #Spa #Mud #Muddy #GetDirtyTheRightWay #RudnyHealthAndWellness #JadeJohnsonGames #Collaboration #Collab #WasteDeepInMud #Thick #Smooth #Gooey #Slimy #Sticky #Squishy #Creamy #Soft #Cleansing #MudSpa #MudBath #Bathing #BathingInMud #MudBathing #Soap #Shampoo #FaceMask #EyeMask #Shower #Towel #VoiceActing #ChanceBasedControls #RelaxingMusic #HdMudSpaMiniGameTheme #RealisticSoundEffects #SlatheringWithSoap #ShowerFlowing #ShampooRubbing #FaceMaskApplication #EyeMaskApplication #TowelWiping #DrainingMud #BathtubFilling #BathwaterRunning #GameInspiration #IndianWeddingHoneymoonPart3 #By @GameIMake #GameIMake #PowerPoint #PPT #PowerPoint2019 #PPT2019 #Graphics #All2DSprites #No3DModels #SomehowLooks3DAnyway #WePutThePowerInPowerPoint

Suggestive Themes

We have updated the age-rating for this game. It has occurred to us that some folks may be sensually-attracted to seeing the in-game-characters bathing in mud, the latter fact possibly-offending some other people. So that's why we changed it; thank you.

We plan to make a sequel, called, "Jade's Calistogan Mud Spa 2", in which you just might be able to customize all of the clients who come to your spa, as well as swap them in and out with others, as opposed to the preset customers from the current title!

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Samus Aran Isn't Afraid To "Get Dirty The Right Way"; Are You?

The first expansion to "Jade's Calistogan Mud Spa™", featuring twelve more characters, is now live! Use the in game updater to either stream or download the next wave of mud gunged patrons! Comment who you'd love to cleanse next!

Now Renamed From "Jade's Floridian Mud Spa" To "Jade's Calistogan Mud Spa™",

"It's Here! It's Here! It's Here It's, Here! Dude Oott Doot Doot Dude Oott Doot Doot Doo It's, Here!"