
Comments (7)

What do you think?

didn't work

add 2nd game plzzzzzzzzzzz on april

I know it says unity, butI'm sorry to be rude but this can't be made on unity unless you are bad at medeling. Still a great game though even though it is a joke game, but if you did not use unity then what engine was it?


hey mr.developer! i made a video on this game! this game was very
interesting! free butter 4 dayz

So This is a game that I made a while ago. It was intended as an april fools joke, and Basically I was going to tell everyone "FNaP is out!", and then I would link them to this game. Unfortunately I could not finish it in time, but now I decided to finish it and call it One Night at Pumkin's (The reason there's only one is to avoid confusion with FNaP and also because I don't want to put that much effort into a joke game.)

If you like this, chances are you won't hate Five Noots at Pingu's.

Questions before you ask them :

I found a bug!

I know there are a lot of bugs in the game, but I won't fix them solely because the game is intended to be terrible.

That was Terrible! I'm never coming back here! Why is this so Terrible?

It's supposed to be a joke.

How did you make the graphics?

They actually come from a bunch of different things.

  • Pumkin and Butter were ripped from the game.

  • The office was made in Photoshop.

  • The tablet was drawn in Flash. This was to give it a more Pumkin-Like feel since Pumkin world was made in Flash.

Noot Noot?

That has noothing to do with Pumkin World but screw it. NOOT NOOT!

Pumkin is © Pumkin World.

Sparta Remix Base is © Whoever made it.

Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Drug Use
Brief Nudity
Sexual Themes
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