
Comments (8)

What do you think?

This is a really fun game!! But I have no clue what the coins are used for.

Mesmo estando em desenvolvimento, achei o jogo mt bom cara!

O jogo é bem legal, mas eu acho que ta faltando mais alguma coisa


The Judge

Version: 0.9.5about 6 years ago

You are Kolan, a warrior that was killed undeservedly a thousand of years. After being trying to scape from unferworld, you discovered the Warrior Path where if you fight bravelly you can return to the living world! Will you get out from the underworld ?

How to Play

You want to live again. To do so, you need find the sacred KEYS by killing foes send to you. When you get the KEY you need to open the Hells Gate fast, before the times out.
Use KEYS or Gamepads to play. Push ESC to show in game MENU. Select help for more info.

I hope you like this game, you can find me in twetter @vinians . Thank you.

#arcade #action #retro #gamemaker #indiegame #joystick #android #windows

Mild Fantasy Violence

New update! This is a major update of my game The Judge:
-New game mechanics
-New graphics and effects
-Improved level progression
-New enemys
-New music and sound effects
You will love it !

Hello friends ! Proud to announce this new version !
-New enemys
-New pause menu
-New mechanics
Check it out !
#gamedev #indiedev #indiegames #gamemaker #indie #gaming

Hello friends, today I am working on finishing update of my #TheJudge game. So, stay tunned ! Until end of the day I will upload the update.
-New pause menu, new mechanics and enemys
#gamedev #indiedev #gamemaker

Hello my friends! I am working on a new pause menu, see what you thing, now you can stop all sounds, return to main screen and resume :-) Stay tunned for the next update! download the game in

Hello all !, this is a bug fix update!
-Help system fixed
-Some bug fix