
Comments (7)

What do you think?

I don't think that there was 3D in computing back in the 80's

I expected a big, rewarding ending.

instead, I got trolled.

my eyes hurt.



JUMP- The simplistic 80's game

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

JUMP for android

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

I made this game back in 2013, i lost the project so this is the final version.

Dev's Review: I made this game back in 2013 and It Is my absolute first game. Please note that you can't save the game and to exit out of it you need to do ctrl+alt+del. I shouldn't have started with a complex game engine like this one even though it ain't really complex. This game will NEVER be updated due to i got plenty lot's of viruses back in 2013 on my computer and the project files are lost forever. I can assure you that this does not contain any viruses because i don't trick people and also i don't know how to make them. The best thing that i could do to patch it is either remaster it or mod it which i won't do the next 5 years at least.

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