
Kaizord: World of Chaos
Kaizord:World of Chaos is a RPG style (Undertale x Earthbound) in that you only escape of the world is survive.

Once upon time in a town, the villagers discover a special power "The Magic" they used it, but one day a person wanted more power of the magic but it no working then he seek other alternative and he got it a powerful sustance that stain the magic convert it in "Dark Magic" then when he absorb it he started corrupter turn he in a beast that he destroyed the town and almost all villager but then 5 entitys get down of the sky theirs entitys seal the beast in another world and they separate his world with the beast world with a seal that seal now it´s named "Kaizorld". Any years after the magic was forbidden 5 youngster seek were was the seal and then they encounter it then a boy broken the seal accidentally when the seal was broken it open a portal that teleport the youngters another world "The World of Chaos"