
Comments (3)

What do you think?

interesting, but i really would like to aim with the mouse.
at the moment the controls are slow and clunky


Kalvgv's Descent into the Pith

Version: 0.4.18almost 5 years ago

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

YOU GET TO DESTROY THE UNDEAD AND DEMONS AS A CLERIC #roguelike #dungeoncrawler #doomlike #3d

Kalvgv (Kah luh guh) has been called to clear out an endless dungeon, known only as the PITH. The cleric knows magic, has limited armors, and comes with a few potions and a mushroom. It can use stealth at times. Sacrificing a off hand for a torch.

There are magic treasure chests, and regular treasure chests. Good assortment of weapons, and loot to be had.

Leveling up allows you to spend 1 point on either body or mind, which will impact the character stats.

Saving is every 10 seconds automatically. #rpg #action

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

4.19 is live, Notes

*added quest log

*added two new buttons to the controls page

*controls page also offers tips

*all 3 available quests may be completed for EXP rewards

*added wind domain shrine and master cleric

4.19 announcements:

Planned is a quest log, adding tab functions to character sheet and controls page.

Adding NPC to first level dungeon for Main Quest line

Adding relic to first level dungeon should you wish to do the cleric's quest line.

4.18 Patch notes:

Incomplete Overworld Added

2 NPCs with quests and dialogue system added

There is a known issue with the dungeon system now, will look into for tomorrow's build. solution was allowing player to walk through walls.

player now eases walls.

Big update headed your way!

I've added a simple dialogue system, an overworld, and Lord Tom, the Tomato King.

It's still being worked on for the overworld, but expect something by midnight tonight for an update.

4.17 notes

extended length of lightning scroll to 20 seconds

added sfx for spells and attacks and imps

attempted to debug level changing and found some issues that are hopefully now resolved

divines now bless you with a domain relevant familiar