Comments (35)
I actually didn't figure out that I was supposed to close the door in the boxcar train level, and I somehow managed to stack the pieces after tons of attempts. I figured out after I stacked it that you were supposed to close the door, and the pieces didn't float. It might be a bug in the game, because I couldn't continue after that. Just thought I'd let you know.
Now to what I thought of the game: difficult and brilliant. The art was eye candy to me. I quickly learned that the true beauty came from not the rock stacking itself, but from the scenes going on behind it. Every scene from the man thumping your cubicle to the burning house held a little bit of feeling behind it. The narrative is very odd and non linear, and didn't seem to make sense to me after the jail scene with the pills. Does it have something to do about an insane man and him recounting the events in his life? Anyways, I think this game was fabulous. It really had you look at the scene around you instead of the false focus.
Wonderfully frustrating...
Great puzzle game! I love the physics of the blocks, but maybe there should be a way to rotate the blocks to the left? This game loves to see the world end XD
Loved that
Use LMB to pick stones, RMB to rotate them. Your goal is to build the stone tower on that little platform at the bottom of the screen.
"Kamni" means "stones" in Russian.