Comments (1)
A health bar would be nice
Fat kevin
Attack with X, combo, maybe flying kick ... BRIEF COMBAT FUN WHAT LOL
Maybe we go into attack position when we see each other and after a while we return to idle "normal"
Enemies who approach and who have run and who made fun when they are too far away or when too many enemies have already engaged the fight
Enemies keep a minimal distance from other enemies around them
NPCs who watch but do not interfere (kind of kids who are discussed with the books in the hands or in which you want to be played in the hands mutually at the ETC ETC ETC pace)
put the fun
introduction of the missions with a work too cool in 2D (TWO DIMENSIONS, ONE OF LESS THAN 3D) Pixel and a little story
who makes lol cry.
Theme Main Menu (jovial)
"Textbook" theme (anticipation / suspense / calm)
Theme "School" (atmosphere, happy?)
"Boss / Combat" theme (excited)
Jingle "Lost" (sad)
Jingle "Mission accomplished" (cute)