Comments (15)
Also keep us posted on what's happening on game development but don't rush it. Make this game fantastic, not just a bad, rushed, project just because it was a meme. Work hard to make it good, but also don't leave us in the dark for a long time like some others do
Will this game eventually be on steam?
Is this the official page or something? I'm actually losing my mind that this game is legit. I made my account for the sole purpose of investigating this game ever since I discovered it. Please add the Tuba Archmage. That boss battle theme is so cool. I even have a description:
You walk into a large marble hallway. Brass plates line the walls. (Music starts playing) The lamps start to flicker. Darkness spreads into the room. A bright beam of light emerges from the end of the hallway. The Archmage steps in, and, waving it's wand, it sends a wave of air towards you. The Battle begins.
This part of the music would be looped until the boss reaches a certain amount of health, in which it would lay down on the ground as if dead, then enters its final form! The legs become other minions that attack you and the Archmage grows to a giant. He swings his mighty arms at you, blasts beams of light towards you, all the while minions are pursuing you. This next part would be looped until you finally beat it. Please include this boss, it would be epic.
Will the Violin fencer be in it? Bodyguard of the tubs lord
this is pretty exciting, I can't wait!
"This is a time of war... a time of despair... but when times like these are upon us... It becomes a time of heroes."
During the dark times of King Tuba II's reign, a young band of heroes stand up to fight the darkness. They must press through many hardships and difficulties... Are you up for the challenge, young Conductor?
Orchestra: The Brass Fate is a game that will play out as a 2d top-down exploration RPG, with scripted encounters and a battle system that incorporates rhythm minigames with classic RPG elements. It has a linearly progressing storyline that follows the Kingdoms of Strings, Choir, Woodwind, Brass, and Percussion in an unfolding story.
#puzzle #rpg #adventure #action