Comments (5)
i cant believe this is an actual scp game its so clean and nic

when is this out
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SCP-ISOLATION: Remain uncaught.
Игра с русскоязычной озвучкой и в дальнейшем будут добавлены другие языки.
SCP Isolation.
Secure, Contain, Protect - the slogan of a large and no less mysterious Foundation.
For many years now, humanity has lived quietly, made discoveries, attended events and created families not without the credit of the SCP Foundation.
Objects located in company zones cannot always be explained. Isolating and retaining them is one of the most important tasks.
But nothing is ever perfect. No matter how much a man tries to keep everything under control, he is only human, and not everything is up to him.
That is exactly what happened in one of the areas where my parents were. Something got out of hand no one knows for sure, but I can say that, irresponsibility, inattention and selfishness have always been among the main vices of man. The accident had permanent damage that affected my family as well.
Due to this incident and the security issue of the Foundation, a decision was made that may have seemed reckless and impossible.
The Foundation was forced to move some of its facilities and personnel to a station located on one of the satellites of Mars.
In order to avoid repeating similar mistakes due to incompetent staff, the Foundation decided to launch the "The Descendant" programme.
The children of Foundation employees in the ⬛⬛⬛ area live with their parents and receive the education they need for their future work at the Foundation. This system is designed to increase the productivity of staff through personal motivation and to prepare future SCP Foundation professionals. The management agreed that staff who have been learning about anomalies since childhood will be able to do their jobs professionally and offer revolutionary solutions to SCP problems.
That is why I am here.