Comments (6)
Control of the game:
Up arrow,down arrow-navigate the comic book in the intro;
Right arrow-move right,left arrow-move left.
Button A-jump.
Good job!
Your games are not bad, so i was thinking why you have 159 views but only 12 plays here.. i think its just because you don`t write english :) Its not bad you use your language, but you want to show your game to everybody here, dont you?
So you have to write English descripiton and instructions :)
Управление в игре:
Стрелка вверх,стрелка вниз-навигация по комиксу в заставках;
Стрелка вправо-движение вправо;Стрелка влево-движение влево;
Кнопка A-прыжок.
Добавили музыкальные композиции как из игры,так и не вошедшие в неё.
Killer of Monsters
Платформер,сделанный одним человеком.
Platformer, made by a single person.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed