
Comments (7)

What do you think?

I like the world map how it was mapped but hate that it's the only map. I also didn't like that there was only a limited amount of monsters (one per quest). Anyways after a while the game becomes too repetitive. 4/5 for good effort nonetheless.

The problem is, that i don't want to destroy your 5.0 rating. But the game is just too easy, maybe just for me, but it is. And its laggy. And it is pretty irritating at some points (like music, cmon, its so annyoing!). So much that i got angry and left the game somewhere on my disc. Maybe someday I'll get it out, and try to play again. something productive with my life :P Anyway, i liked it, but not very much. And i dont want to mess your rating.

Good game 5/5

Note: This game is a satire on a commonly disliked trope in the MMO Genre. It is not meant to be the pinnacle of entertainment. What's more, it also uses primarily stock graphics, music, even a map, from RPG Maker VX Ace to demonstrate the ability to make a playable game (or satire) without adding a lot of third party resources. Not everyone will enjoy this type of game.

tldr; It is a boring, stupid, sometimes funny project that points out parts of MMOs that people tend to dislike. Don't take it seriously or expect it to be very fun.

KillQuest was developed as part of the #OneGameAMonth Challenge (February entry), challenging developers to create one game, simple or complex, to completion each month with a beginning, middle, and end, starting in January 2013.

It is intended to be the first part of a series of single-facet games poking fun at common themes in modern MMORPGs.

It is entirely free (non-commercial) using only RPG Maker VX Ace, it's default RTP assets (including one of its maps, modified somewhat), and a few free scripts available for free non-commercial use by other RPG Maker VX Ace developers (see the credits). This was decided upon in order to demonstrate that a complete game could be made using the engine and its assets without having to create or purchase new assets.

The quest system uses the freely available BSD licensed HACK item list, which adds to the amusement of the game.


A long time ago in a mystical (fictional) world about the size of a small island...

Kill Quest

Part of the Hero of the Mundane Saga

In this world, full of great magical beasts and many great heroes... well, the fact of the matter is that in this world, almost EVERYONE is a great hero. There aren't really any average people, only those that are heroes-in-training or those that are heroes-in-retirement.

This world was once home to a great massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, or MMORPG for short. That meant that there was no room for the ordinary... everyone wanted to be the hero, and as such, nobody was special.

Recently, you, Banal Commonplace, solved a great crisis by becoming the Delivery Hero and restoring the world's mail delivery. You did this because the task was beneath all the other heroes and someone needed to do it.

However, the stability that you worked so hard to achieve is in jeopardy once again.

Beasts from all over the land have sprung up, causing the mail system to fall behind again. While the lords of the realm suspect the evil Rat Lord Abaddon, they have no proof to act on. Once again, a task that is beneath the

heroes of the world has to be done, and you're the only one that is up to it.

It is once again time for the age of a new kind of hero.. a hero that can go out and slay beasts so weak they only really require a few strikes of your blade.. The other heroes will not bother with anything short of a raid boss. It is up to you to once again deliver the world out of chaos..

Creatures tiny or small, weak or scared, the world needs its

Pest Control Hero

  • ...and some mounts, still...*


Please enjoy...

Be sure to check out the original DeliveryQuest, too.

Comical Shenanigans
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