Comments (10)
It's okay. Spelling errors have been mentioned. The collision barriers (if that's what they're called are a little too large, making navigation awkward, and certain gaps through bookcases and such are as such a little off-putting. The door entrances that are shown on the bottom of the screen look quite terrible - you need something subtler which doesn't stick out. The colour gradient background in the apartment section looks atrocious - just use black or dark grey. The text scrolling is just plain annoying: go for a default text scroll that's between the two speed settings. Interactivity that has no effect on the plot would make it more immersive - the bookcases, the fridges, etc. Would be a nice touch as it has made some games so much better.
It's forced and edgy; blood everywhere, vivid almost comical gore and depictions of horrific settings which just made me laugh. It's generic as it could possibly get and needs major work in that respect. It didn't really scare me per se, more just enjoyed the adventure while it lasted. You have potential for sure but you need learning through experience, so to speak - the more games you complete making the better they'll get, I predict.
Excelente juego me gusta mucho
Nice game with amazing potential. However, I need to note some things wrong with it. One, grammar but it's not major. Second, I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong but there are just some rooms I can't open. It's not that I'm missing a key, but it just... won't do anything. I just stand in front of the door any nothing :/
The spooky feel reminds me of the PSP game "Corpse Party"
I really like it alot! I would just re-read it for some very minor spelling errors, but other than that, it was fun! :)
Louisa Simon, an ordinary student of 24 years old sees dreams about wondering around an abandoned mansion that appears to be a library. The dream always ends up the same way โ in the end of the hallway, with a dark silhouette of a woman. After 6 month Louisa find the mansion not far from her town and decide to check it out. She travels there and gets trapped inside an old burned down house.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence