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Koopa Runner PRE ALPHA

Version: 0.1.6almost 7 years ago
This is a Pre Alpha it has no description, it will come it further updates

Hello Friends, this is a game i made/making, i published this as a pre alpha that means it is pretty new. I am working on more levels, Enemies Etc. right now you can do nothing, kust play around and look at stuff. Well a new version will be released soon


KoopaRunner v0.1.6

Hello this is just a
map update. i extended the map just a little

KoopaRunner v0.1.5

Nothing big just added some effects for the space ship

KoopaRunner v0.1.4

i have extended the map
i made level end
i added score counter
i added limited jumps
removed rolling physics

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KoopaRunner v0.1.3

this is a bigger update i added
new backround
a border so you can’t fall of in start
a bigger beach.

KoopaRunner v.0.1.2

i added some kind of Beach and i also fixed collisions on tiles.
Bamboo plants are now disabled collisions…