
Comments (7)

What do you think?

I loved this. Really funny game! I included it in part 5 of my Adventure Jam compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :)

IITS KRONAN the LIBRA-RI-AN insert epic guitar solo here

I enjoyed this too! Echoing OrnithopterGames' and Greg K's comments, I especially loved the backgrounds of the first two scenes and thought it was well written.

Thanks for providing Linux builds!

I really enjoyed my play through of it. The dialogue and stories were charming and I felt like I was a part of the environment. Great Job!

Gorgeous art style and a good deal of humor. Very enjoyable!

A short and humorous point and click adventure about a bookworm wanting to become a famous barbarian. He has to undergo the "savage trials" for this.

Created for the #adventurejam

Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Kronan, the Librarian

Added my entry to the Adventure Jam. If you like humorous point and click adventures, you should take a look: