Comments (52)
Like the concept, but I gotta be honest. This is probably one of the most annoying games I've played this year. IOnly beat by 1 other, which I wont mention =_=. Otherwise, It's a cool game meant to played in small doses (atleast by me).
Kudo's dev(s).
Love the memory concept
it is just too complicated and i need a freaking piece of paper to play it
what goes here?
I'm on Ubuntu, it runs great on all browsers on there. On Windows though it's pretty slow in Firefox. It's a bit better on Chrome on there for me.
\\\\\\\\\\\ PLEASE READ! /////////////////////
Hello everyone!
Please be aware that this is a very weird, experimental game. In parts, it requires you to be very alert and attentive. It will also require you to memorize things you see. In parts, unless you have an amazing memory, it will probably even be necessary for you to write things down as you play in order to remember them for later in the game. I'm not sure if that constitutes really bad game design or a fun experience... But either way, I guess you all will let me know :)
You just move with the arrow keys or WASD.
If you want to reset your save file just start the game in the main menu by pressing <DEL> instead of SPACE.
If you click outside of the game area, it will pause automatically.
\\\\\\\\ END OF PLEASE READ! /////////////////////////
Thanks to Calamaistr for providing a great track for this one, you can check out all of his music at calamaistr.newgrounds.com. Also thanks to Mark Sparling for providing (most) of the other tracks in the game. You can find more of his stuff on marksparling com. He challenged himself to write 70 songs in 70 days a while back and has since made all 70 songs freely available for use in any project you might be working on. It really is a great ressource.
All right, this is an old flash game I've had lying around on my computer for a few years. I finally took the time to finish it properly this last month as an exercise in learning HaxeFlixel.
I've sort of developed this game in a vacuum and I haven't really had it tested much by people before releasing it now. I still really like the idea/concept behind this game, but I fear it might lack a little in my actual execution of that idea...
I really enjoy reading your feedback, both positive and negative, so don't hesitate to leave a review. If you'd like you can also email me at mrnowind {at} gmail.com. I'm still very open to work with the game and change things that don't work so well.
I'll stop rambling here... Enjoy the game ;)