Comments (40)
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? (Yes, I sang the entire song from Pocahontas while typing this. I regret nothing.)
This is a simple platformer with a damn good concept. Controls and music are great, and the graphics are on point. I could see this becoming an even bigger game, with numerous levels scalable to as easy or difficult as you want to design them.
I'll be honest, I didn't want the game to end!
Okay, I know that Runbow did a similar color-changing gimmick to the part where the color changes on a timer, but the game is still pretty unique for the most part.
A neat concept, excellent level design, and gimmicks which are constantly switched up. I haven't beaten the game yet, but from what I've played so far, I'm expecting to give it a 4.5/5 or 5/5 score. The main issue I can see is the semi-glitchy behavior of the hollow circles, but that's more than made up for by some of the clever ways you used it.
To expand on the good level design thing: You always give the player enough build-up to the challenges with a given gimmick that the player will be familiar enough with it to know that they can conquer the challenges you throw at them later, but you ramp things up enough that they also get a nice challenge from it.
Well, that's my experience, anyways.
Overall, from what I've played so far, good job!
Great game!
I was planning on playing this since December, finally got around to it.
Saturated is a vibrant, fast-paced, color-changing platformer game.
Designed by Elliott Mahler and George Li, current MFA students at USC's Interactive Media & Games Division.
Art by Alex An.
Music by Aaron Reihs
Entered for #gjfest !