
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Woah I like ur games

Hello i am going to be doing a lets play on this. Video will be uploaded sometime this week my channel is KASWORD GAMES

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Myth by Isisip

A kid called Filex JellyBerg is missing. Someone kidnapped him. You have to find him, by searching for evidences.

Once you find one, you have to take a picture. But wait... someone... someone is behind you!

Mild Fantasy Violence


Added little bugfixes and as you know there are some easter eggs in the game :) check out, for PewDiePie! :D

Last Memories

Optimalized! So you can play!

There was some problem, it was laggy. I think it’s fixed now.

Finally 200 views!

Thank you guys and girls and bob!

Added "online-play" :D

You can play now online too! :D

But for better graphics, size etc. please dowload the downloadable version.

Hidden Easter Eggs

There’s 4 hidden easter eggs in the Map. Can you find it? :)

One tip: White Dots