Comments (12)
Meh, i really didn't like the game.
Really cool game! I create a shortcut on my desktop because this game will stay here for a long time. Hahahaha!
Very nice game for a party or to challenge that noob friend of yours!
If the game will have updates, let us know! o/
Here's another my self-game-jam with another vague concept
there are 2 people who bring a shopping trolley rush their way to their destiny but each other blocked the way, so they want to have the road and go to each destiny first. All they ca do is just one, PUSH THEIR WAY!!
it's a 2 player game with the control as listed below:
player 1 : Q W E R
player 2 : O P [ ]
just press the button when they are resizing and the particle come over the button, be careful not to press the wrong button because you can lose the control!
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