Comments (38)
This game is bad...there is a lot wrong with it.
would not recommend
Random Thoughts
This needs a good proof read.
even original in Sirads description is wrong
it does not make sense to say you killed her own father.
own is never necessary. especially when its not yourself that did it.
triggers replay infinitely. for example once you enter the first town after the grave area try going back.
when you find items the game does not tell you what you get.you need to check manually
Nerine (girl at first inn) has no battle skills
snow town sign says nothing
wrong exits (room with a book with dragon pictures exits at wrong building)
resting at inns does not heal magic
Sirads skill liliths wrath is worthless. high cost,high miss rate and 1 target.
Fenrir and littles reds skills are named after their character name.
momiji cannot equip the runed robe (she should be able to she is a magus!)
its been 2 years and i'm still injured from that battle?
with the 5 blood fiend
...i hate stupid stories like this...we were so weak we had trouble with common enemies and all a sudden we are suppose to fight a God which can destroy the multiverse? come on now...
Crimsons skills are all unusable
the tentacle monsters in the other dimension have way too much life!
several mazes for maps
Are you able to make the game a different file? because I cant find anything to open the type of file the game is :(
Alright, I have no clue what the seeding issue is, but I'm uploading a new file to counteract said issue.
Any restrictions as to doing gameplay videos? this looks interesting.
that last screenshot made me want to play for the humor
Legends: The Cycle of Existence
Legends Demo
Game Soundtrack
Title Theme (No Pitch Change)
When the world has met disaster, heroes arrived. When destruction threatened, legendary men, women, and being alike revolted. Now, you don't just fight for one land, but all the lands. You protect not only one dimension, but all dimensions prior. You do not fight gods. You fight the essences of beings that cannot be destroyed. You will not just be a hero. You will not just be a name. You will be a legend.
Travel between towns in the nexus, picking up info, friends, enemies, and uncovering the details about the destruction of the entire multiverse. You'll find creatures of unfathomable strength, unknown to this world until now. You may have to destroy those who protect to achieve true peace among the lands. Evil has it's ways of twisting your path. Overcome these challenges, in order to complete your goal.
With over 20 recruitable characters, over 70 maps, and tons of gameplay to go around, this game proves to overall be a fun experience. And there is still more to come.
Credit for sprite work, and the related go to: Average_Joe, BlackRoseMii, Famitsu, and ElysianAngel8. Thank you all for the sprites!
Music, enemy art work, and character designs belong to their respective owners. ZUN, Intelligent Systems, Nintendo, Asread, Kadokawa Shoten, La'cryma, Square Enix, Studio Bones, and Yoshiichi Akahito.
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Sexual Themes