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In this game, you play as a leprechaun looking for coins. It is a 3D platform game, the creation of which has not yet resulted in a playable game. This is my first game (created with Unreal Engine 4) thanks to an online training course.

I hope you will like the finished project ! The goal of this game is like Mario !

I am a teenager who is starting to create video games. If you want to cheer me on, you can donate when it's time to download! #platformer

Mild Cartoon Violence

Sorry for the long wait ..... I had a bug. I managed to correct it. here is the game, FINALLY for download !!!!!!

27.07.20 :, I finished the small details, I created the start menu and I exported the game!

it will soon be available !!!

25/07/2020 I finished the hero as well as the enemies. the combat system is over and i will start the pause menu and the money

16.07.20: I have finished learning BluePrint programming, I am starting to create the hero and his movements. "later" : i have finished to create hero, I am sarting to create ennemy and a system of life

26.06.2020 : create the leprechaun's quest page, advancement on "blue print" programming, especially on learning variables