Comments (2)
I randomly decide to come on Gamejolt after like 2 years of me not being on here, and I play
this... by far one of the worst things I've ever looked at. The text is all over the place, it's mostly
drawn with a mouse or something, and it looks horrible. PrettyEVERYTHING was apparently
made by "Liam the Muffin", Vanessa just had the idea for the quiz. Clearly, graphic design wasn't his
passion. At least try and help "Liam the muppet" out "Vanessa", he's clearly not fit for the job of MAKING THE
ENTIRE QUIZ. Its also a quiz about the creator, nobody knows who you are. This is a quiz for your
maybe like. 6 or 7 fans. I honestly cant stop laughing at how bad this is, especially when one of
the questions is "Has Spider ever spamed Smiley to join him in minecraft". A lot of this quiz is filled
with his Oc's, fnaf, Battle for Grandma and whatnot. Every time you get a question wrong (which you 99% will) YOu
get a fnaf jumpscare…… Yep.……. A fnaf jumpscare...
Anyways, yeah... this is really bad. Tell "Liam" to get some lessons in graphic design, and
make a quiz with actual questions, you should also wait and make a quiz when you have a much
bigger fanbase.
(Edit. So, I just played the first quiz. This is just an edit of the first quiz. I know it's called "SATEX dlC" but I'm not downloading anything, that's kinda why it's called "Downloadable Content". If
you've played the first quiz, this is literally the exact same thing, except this one has a "boss fight"
with EXE... I assume. You click on like 4 giant dots and you beat her, I could beat it blind.
how easy it is.)
liam the game REMAKE
you have to find liam's little friends okay?
serious game
#pointnclick #horror