Life has colour
An entry for the SA Game Jam 2020
This game is a collaborate effort between 3 people (we really took a manpower cut this year :P). Brainstorming was as crazy as usual, but we decided to intrepret "returning from the brink" as somebody coming back from a low in life where life seems colourless and dull. The ideas we thought of when coming up with this were beyond creative, but once again with the limited manpower and time we could only accomplish a piece of what we truly wanted. We hope you enjoy our thoughts on "returning from the brink"
Life has colour is a simple storytelling following the daily life of a madman as he faces the task of surviving day to day and returning from the brink. As you aid him in his survival his sanctity (happiness) will slowly increase and add some colour to his otherwise monochrome life. It is said that what makes things memorable is that they are meaningful, significant and colourful. This game serves to emphasize this point and to show that with happiness we can begin to return from our own personal brinks and see the colour and beauty in life.
Created by:
Ethan/Megaguy32 (Programmer/Code Monkey)
Darren/Playersup (Design/Art)
Lloyd/Comrade (Design/Audio)
Objective / Controls
There's not much to the game extrinsically, its more of something to be interpreted.
Controls is done with the arrow keys, and there are a few helper buttons (orignally for debugging but decided to leave it in for convenience)
You're able to tell your progress by the colours of your surroundings
In the "fishing" minigame, to gain sanctity keep the bar in the green with the left and right arrow keys.
 keep going untill the inevitable comes.
To progress, get woke and do as the madman loves to do.
But the serenity does not last. we all sooner or later fall prey to the sanctum of our mind.
But the experience within is influenced by the happenings without.