
Comments (68)

What do you think?

Ok now that i ended playing its time for my Review i will separate in 3 categories the good the bad and Just some quality of life improvements

The good

Buddy: One thing that annoys me in joyful is the fact that they never decide buddy character she is always between an asshole adict tho joy doing massacre because she wants power or an little girl that dont understand the world and is doing all that because Joy makes her think that Will make her free in this game she is almost like cyclops she is Just not good expresing herself and this makes her look like an asshole i like when the protagonist dont look like he is bipolar is what i am saying

Campfires: The campfire scenes are just cool just that tho say i dont want tho spoil all of you

The New abilities: They can be from other games the majority of them but make the combat more cool (and possible)

The story: The story is surprisingly good what is something that i dint expect from this fangame

The bad

The combat: I Will start saying FUCK THE KEGGER KREW they are just so broken the combat of this fangame is Just fluster your way tho victory Terry just dies every single battle If he din't have his New skills he would be just useless and the self Care skill dont help by the time he has a decente health the fight is just almost over most of the battles are just spam heal and Hope for stuns and good rng rando should have something like Headbut so he could stun or buddy flash should be an aov

The sprites: I now you are gonna correct that so i am ok with that

Some quality of life improvements

Buddy in campfire scenes: You should put her sleeping in the campfire scenes like when are rando and Terry talking while she rests its kinda of strange she just being there staring while they talk

ADD REGINALD: When i discovered there was no way tho recruit reginald i just sayd 0/10 Just kiding i Just think It would make the game more easier

The B U G: After the campfire scene after the battle with a bunch of shadow figures i became a monstrosity of the sprites of Rodriguez cyclops lanks and beltboy and It just made me Burst out laughing and i say please don't correct that

My note is 8/10 If you make the complete version but for now is just a 6/10 don't be Sad It was still fun :D

Ps and Sorry for the bad english i am still learning

if anyone still wants to cry about terry being squishy, try putting someone else's equips on him (he looks like he could use a belt...)

yo i saw that you needed help with buddy's sprite, i decided to do it myself so here you go

though aside from the water sprite, i didn't really put much effort into editing them to look more like beltboy's

This bound to be interesting, been a while since we saw a "____ in ____" styled LISA game

I wonder how long until Terry isreplaced by Tooley.


Lisa Joyful in Hopeful 0.9.8 (Current Build)

Version: 0.9.8almost 3 years ago
Buffs Yado. He now has 10k more hp. He is now immune to burning. His later two mutants now spawn 1 turn sooner.

Lisa Joyful in Hopeful 0.9.7

Version: 0.9.7almost 3 years ago
Adds Yado as a boss.

Lisa Joyful in Hopeful 0.9.6

Version: 0.9.6about 3 years ago
Fixes some visual bugs.

Joyful in Hopeful 0.9.5

Version: 0.9.5about 3 years ago
Fixes a bug where bottle merchant at the end would give the wrong weapon (the best gun) if spoken to from the wrong spot.

Joyful in Hopeful 0.9.3

Version: 0.9.3about 3 years ago
Once more shoutouts to AlterReaper aka SpecterReaper for providing a better Rando Flex animation, better animations for Buddy's Mend and Bomb moves, and an injured Terry sprite. Thanks a ton man I really do appreciate it.

Joyful in Hopeful 0.9.2

Version: 0.9.2about 3 years ago
This is build 0.9.2. I have two unposted builds (a demo and 0.9.1 which I posted wrong) backed up if you wish to see them in particular for some reason. A massive shoutout to Alterreaper aka Spectrereaper for providing Buddy sprites, mild coding help, and useful feedback. Thanks a ton man.

Lisa Joyful in Hopeful (First Build)

Version: 0.9.0about 3 years ago

Lisa the Joyful in Lisa the Hopeful, exactly what it says on the tin.

It's not done yet, the current build is not a final build, as some sprites are missing or buggy, although it can be played from start to finish, do keep this in mind. It is not per say, "done" a better sprite for Terry at the ending will be included. A further build with another route is planned after this. #fangame #rpg

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Graphic Sexual Themes
Strong Language

So, we were thinking that Terry is replacable.. WITH TOOLEY! But we haven't decided on it. Note if Tooley then we WILL need help making his sprites, animations, and skills. We are not spriters and can barely manage an animation.

  17 votes Voting finished

I'll upload the Yado buff later it makes the following changes

Yado now has an extra 10k hp

yado is now immune to burning

Yado now resists broken

Yado's two other mutants spawn one turn sooner and their order is swapped

May buff Yado later

Oh I also buffed bigass blade by 15 attack points from 60 to 75 so its not outclassed by a drop form yado

Adding a certian scientist in the next patch as a superboss


It's yado

I'm adding a Yado fight

Posting this in like 20 minutes