Comments (9)
A very great game.I played it a while ago but forgot to come back and write a review.
First of all,the game was pretty well made.It had a good story and some sad scenes.
The programming was good too and I could see the effort you put into the game.
This game reminded me a bit of Yume Nikki.
Overall rating: 4.5\5 (Rated 5\5 on the game profile)
I just finished playing your game. It inspired a lot of emotion in me that I'm still processing right now, so I'll review it later, but, it was good. More details will be posted as soon as I get my emotions back in check xD
Very nice game. I think it really has a strong message in it. I liked how Dan had a red scarf, while Daniel had a blue/gray one. x3
This is a truly amazing game. I loved the premise, and the story was very touching. I suck at riddles so I wound up having to get help from my husband a lot, but that wasn't your fault. I just don't have the right kind of brain for riddles. XD
Anyway, I didn't see any major flaws in this game. There were a few typos (accidentally calling Lili Ashley) and misspellings, but that was really it. Although I would have liked to know who the hooded figure was who was following me the whole time. I thought maybe he was Daniel's subconscious, but idk. Like I said, not good with riddles.
I hope you will continue making games. This was a very fun experience, and I look forward to playing more games from you. :D
You play as Daniel, a depressed boy currently in his teens. You are in his head and it is in chaos. With the help of another side of him you must venture through his mind and fight the monsters of his past in order to reach a different side of Daniel who wants to kill himself in real life. Defeat him in order to LIVE.
Fights are turn-based RPG style
Some puzzles and riddles along the way
Be sure you have the RTP for RPG Maker VX Ace for the game to work. The RTP can be downloaded here. http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages
Please report any problems in the game. I'll fix them as soon as possible.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language