
Comments (10)

What do you think?

This truly is one of the most eclectic gaming experiences I've had. The landscapes are so varied, and every single screen tells its own story with different visuals and colours.

The story underpinning everything is also very well put together, and after reading all(?) 10 of the logs I really feel like we got a great insight into what has been going on and perhaps where our character currently is. As I hunt down the rest of the "Effects" that grant us different powers within the Enhanced Reality world, I'm sure hoping I can finish putting the pieces in place.

I've loved the experience so far though, and even though at times I've been equally baffled and perplexed by my surroundings I'm determined to plug away and get to the bottom of the story, mostly because the wandering around listening to the sounds and music is quite relaxing!

Keep up the awesome work, this game is a little beauty =)

I really like this game! This is probally a lot more uniqe and polish then most Yume Nikki games out there. It's criminal that this is not on the Yume Nikki Wiki!

I really like being able to play as a smart phone!

Though I do wish that we could take advantage of the effect's characteristics more. Like using the smart phone to access the internet, call people, access minigames or watch videos. I also wish the battery could be used to solve battery puzzles. I just wish all the effects can be used to effect the evirment or solve puzzles more often and to greater effect. Maybe the character can react to being in different forms?

You also have a nack for story telling. I kinda wish you make a sequel or second story expansion to this. Maybe with more direct story telling? I'm actually kinda wishing for a Yume Nikki fan game that balances real life with the dream world.

By the way, I recommend that you play this Yume Nikki inspired game when you get the chance. It's made by someone named Yoobii. It's really good:

Certainly seems like an interesting game so far, though pending me finding an effect that speeds me up (like Yume bike), the movement speed is a tad slow. I feel a bit like for games like that driven by exploring a large and often non-intuitive landscape that some form of running helps a lot with the travel time. Though if there IS a speed up effect I just have not found yet, then that all works out fine, hoping it is not the last one I find. XD

Overall I love the atmosphere the game produces, the game feels both new and also feels reminiscent of Yume Nikki, the areas feel unique, the ambient sound in each area feels distinct and fitting, and thusfar it has been enjoyable to explore

First episode:


My sincere thank you to the developer

I love the soundtrack! It's very nice.



Version: 1.3.0over 6 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Title Theme

Take control of Amari, a girl in possession of a strange device that allows her to explore a world known as the "Enhanced Reality". A world where every corner of the human mind takes shape. What is the true purpose of this world?

The main goal is to collect all the 12 "Effects" in the "Enhanced Reality".

This game is a short surreal exploration game inspired by Yume Nikki. It adds a twist to the regular Yume Nikki formula while at the same time being faithful to it.

This is not a horror game but it does have horror/gore imagery.

-Original graphics
-Original soundtrack
-3 unlockable minigames, each of a different game genre. (An arcade game, a horror/roguelike game, and a multiplayer shooting game)
-Unlock files encrypted in Amari's computer detailing lore through exploration.
-2 endings depending on how you play through the game.

Huge thanks to:
-DrNanny on discord for creating the game icon.
-Daemon on discord for creating the RINRAN minigame logo.
-Hogwash for composing the RINRAN minigame music. check out his game:
-All the lads at discord and my irl pals that have seen this game developing from the very start.

If you wish to report bugs/ask me if you can translate the game/ask me whatever you can contact me via these options:

DISCORD: cachi01#5227
EMAIL: [email protected]

Thank you so much for playing.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Blood and Gore

Log.[in] was released exactly a year a go. Thank you all so much for playing.

Game can now be played in the EasyRPG Player