
Comments (59)

What do you think?


The game is dead, right ?

3/10 I would like it if the character was more of a silent type instead of spitting dialouge every 3 seconds. Also pressing Z and X is a giant change of pace. I straight up just gave up

there is only one major gripe I have with this game so far...why can't you move diagonally when dodging attacks? it always throws me off

edit: okay second. I just realized there's no apparent cap on TP. it goes over 100 at least. what??


Lonerune - Full Fangame

Version: 1.0.1over 5 years ago

Note: This is a Deltarune Fangame. The original game and the characters belong to Toby Fox. This is merely a fanmade continuation of the original story.


The lonely prince Ralsei continues his journey to fulfill the prophecy after the closing of the fountain, and the inevitable demise of the kingdom without the beam of light that gave it form.
It turns out the prophecy has a lot more to it than the prince previously let out.

In the blank fragments of a world in demise, the lonely prince seeks to finish the prophecy, and faces the dangers and consequences of sealing the dark fountain - in a surreal, warped version of the world he knew.

Though worry not, he won't be alone; you will be there to aid him in his quest - to finish the prophecy and grant the blank world peace.

The game has finally been finished. A few small bug fixes were made as of today, October 4th, 2019. It should work for the most part. The soundtrack will also be released soon.

If you do find any glitches, email them to me at [email protected] - I would really appreciate that, and it helps me make the next update much better!

The story is loosely based off the original story from the Chapter 1 of Deltarune and a few aspects from other games - mostly Mortis Ghost's "OFF", which is one of my favorite RPG games of all time. It's not really a "Crossover", per se; but you may find a lot of similarities in the story.

Z or SPACE - Confirm
X - Cancel (or Run)
C - Inventory
T - Stats Menu
ESC - Exit Menu

Arrow keys move the character, and also are useful in menus and anything that involves selecting. When in doubt, press the arrow keys.


Q: "Is this game free?"
A: Yes, obviously. It's a fangame. I don't plan on making any money out of it.

Q: "How long is the game?"
A: Not too long, but not short. I'd say about an hour.

Q: "Who's working on it?"
A: Me. Literally just me.

Q: "Does this game contain original art / music / story?"
A: Yes, yes, and also yes.

  • I've made plenty of original artwork for it. While I am re-using some pixel art from Deltarune in the parts where it looks neat (such as Ralsei's sprite, as I don't see any reason to replace it) I tried my best to make AS MUCH original pixel art for it as I could - while also trying not to overwork myself with it. Now that it's done, I can safely tell you the majority of the zones are at least 60% original art. Not all zones use that much original art, however, simply due to time constraints.

  • I have worked on an original soundtrack for this fangame - and although it doesn't have too many songs, it's still original. No re-used songs from Deltarune. At most, I used many of the leitmotifs to add a fun touch to the music; it's a fangame, after all; but I kept it as original as I could.

  • The storyline is mostly original; based off the original story in the Chapter One of Deltarune, but loosely for the most part. The majority of the game has little to nothing to do with the original story.

Q: "What engine are you using to make this game?"
A: GDevelop 5. It's an absolutely amazing engine, you should check it out!

Q: "Is the battle system similar to Deltarune?"
A: Yes, and also no. I... wouldn't say so, it's more so a mixture of the Undertale battle system and the OFF battle system. (OFF being a surreal RPG by Mortis Ghost; and one of my favorite indie RPG games of all time, by the way. You should definitely play it if you enjoyed the genocide run in Undertale.)

Q: "Is this game scary / gory / NSFW in any way?"
A: It's not NSFW at all, but it can deal with a few topics that some may consider to be "scary". Topics include mostly death, guilt, really, the usual RPG stuff.

Q: "Will Kris or Susie be in the game?"
A: No. It's a fangame focusing primarily on Ralsei and the Darkners.

Q: "I think I found a bug!"
A: Send me an email explaining it detail by detail. I'll do my best to fix it. The email is on the Portfolio. You can also just shout at me in any social media as well, that works.

More information can be found in Lonerune's Portfolio.

#lonerune #deltarune #undertale #fangame #rpg #ralsei #ut #dr

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

A Long-Overdue Update - New Fangame, Old Stories, And 'The Update'

Wow, it's been over a year!
I'm so sorry for the lack of updates for so long. 2020 was a really hard year for me.
I bring good news, though, AND *important* updates!

Lonerune has finally been released in its FULL version!

I'm so happy to finally release this fangame! I'd love some feedback! If you find any glitches, please let me know! Yay!


I'm eager to announce the game is very close to completion! I might need another week to polish some of the rough edges, but I'm very optimistic about releasing it very soon! Thank you so much for waiting!

I've been having quite a rush of inspiration lately; the project is definitely going to be done by the end of July!

I'll probably keep updates more sparse until then, in order to focus my free time more properly. Wish me luck!